Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Technical Recruiter / Recruitment (IT)

A “Technical Recruiter” is an individual who helps companies hire IT professionals.
How is this term different from Recruiter (Non-Technical) and what do they have in common?
Recruitment is a process which consists mainly of three sub processes. Sourcing, Mapping and Closing in all required parameters. Recruitment sounds very easy, at first. However, this is not an easy process at all, whether it be for the private sector or government. This takes at least couple of days efforts, if not weeks, to find one matching resource, especially in the current scenario where there is no perfect tool available or process followed which gives 100 % guarantee for 100% perfect matching resource.

So, where is the gap?  Is the employer expectation too high or is it that there are no quality resources available in the current job market? Whether challenge is to find a good talent on a given rate card or nice skill set or combination of techno functional personality. With the demands of the IT industry changing constantly, an individual who is a technical expert today, may be outdated down the line in 2 -3 years.

What makes a TR (Technical Recruiter) different from other industry professionals is the “approach”. Our industry (IT Consulting) is a fast-paced industry where the demand for technical skills keep getting updated on a daily basis. What is the right approach to hire the best talent from such a fast moving and highly competitive market? As such there are no defined guidelines or methods in the industry, however here is what we found –

First, TR must be able to understand the technology, since its recruitment, not technical assignment. Resume mapping is not just doing CTR+F for required skill or matching years of experience from date of education. Having in depth or as much information about the project as possible and required technical skill, gives confidence to an individual that resume which is shortlisted and ready to be presented may make it through or not. To stay updated with the market, it’s best to get recruiting related certification online (this doesn’t consume much time or money). Keep reading technical articles in free time.

Next is to have sound discussions on a particular technology. This is the approach which makes PALNAR different. While working with a candidate who is in the job market, the first step for the TR is to analyze and understand if the individual is just looking for a job or is a passionate tech lover and if passionate then why they have chosen a particular tech skill? How is their career graph in this skill and how do they update themselves in the fast-moving tech world?

Last and probably the most important point (this seems quite debatable) but we here at PALNAR are convinced of its lasting effect on the recruitment process is “Energy and Presentation”. Often, we hear that “First Impression Is the Best Impression”! It’s true indeed! A TR is the first individual from the company or an organization who interreacts with the tech consultant. So, apart from the technical knowledge, other very specific details like how well you describe, how well you write an e-mail, how well you resolve tech queries, all plays very important role.

Over all, TR responsibility is not simply recruiting IT professionals. A TR is an individual who is passionate about technology and so stays updated on the tech market and uses the technical knowledge to source, map and close a specific technology requirement with the best suited candidate. Of-course the company brand matters but the individual skills and approach does matter a lot more!!!

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